Tuesday, November 26, 2013

The Fault In our Stars journal ch1

A line I liked is when it says " look, let m just sat it: he was hot.A non-hot boy stares at you relentlessly, and it is, at best, awkward and at worst a form of assault, but a hot boy..... well". I can connect to this quote , because it is true. I feel the same way Hazel feel. I can, also connect with this quote, because would think that the person was weird.Another quote I like is
me:" I refuse to go to the support group"
mom:" One of the symptoms of depression is disinterest in activities"
me:" please let me watch ANTM. It an activity"
mom:"television is passivity"
me:" uh mom please, If you want me be a teenager, don't send me to the support group.Buy me a fake ID, so I can go to the club,drink vodka, and take pot". I like this quote, because that is something I would say to my mother, to try to get what want. I would want to get my way, so being sarcastic seem, like he best way, sometime that work. Hazel is a little like me, but she like to talk about death a lot.The third quote is" I had ridiculously fat chipmunk cheeks fat cheek". I like this quote quote, because I have big cheeks, and I really don't like them and their is nothing I can do about it

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