Tuesday, November 26, 2013

The Fault In Our Stars journal ch3

A quote I like is her mother swooped in and said "Jackie",disapprovingly,but I said"no,no, it is okay"I like this quote,because that is something my niece would do.Like if we see someone with one leg, my niece would point, and say why he look like that, or he funny. I would just tell her not to that, and walk away. I don not understand why little kids do that, especial when the person is right in front of us.Another quote I like is "fairly had the kind of social life, that need to be scheduled down to the minute" This quote remind me of someone, I know who plan every. It could be the smallest thing. I could ask her we goo someone, and she would say I have to wait and see. Little time is better, than no time at all, because a least you you know you saw that person, or spoke with them.Different people deal with death, by laughing,crying, or joking around. There is no correct way to deal with death, but it is good to let out your sadness, instead of holding on pain and grief. A legacy Is something someone leave behind. You do not have to be famous to leave a legacy, you can be anyone. A legacy can be good or bad. Hazel talks about death a lot., she is afraid to die, so she is extra safe.Hazel is upbeat, but also can be depressing.At times she can be sarcastic.

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