Tuesday, November 26, 2013

The Fault In our Stars journal ch 2

A quote I like " home is where the heart" I like that quote, because I can agree to it I love o go home, because I just like it, being in a place where I know I am safe, and being in a place where I know I am safe.Also being surrounded, by people who care for me, an believe in me. Even though not all the time I feel like home is where the heart is, because sometimes I get irritated, I know it is.Another quote, I like is "good friends are hard to find, but impossible to forget". I believe in the quote, because I made good friends, even though we agure over the smallest things, we always over come it.I ad people who used me, but true friends was their even thought iy was against them. The third quote, I like is " family is forever".  I lie this quote, because I put family, before anyone else, but one time I did the opposite, but that person learned her lesson. I know it was wrong. I put my family before anyone else,because  your family is their for you,before anyone else. Family is important,because some are supportive. This quote means that family are with you forever.Another quote I like is "without pain,how would we know joy".I like this quote, because if there was no pain, joy will be everyday, and when pain come you won't know what joy is

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